Monday, April 20, 2009


This past weekend Joey's sister Jenny got married in Provo. We spent alot of time driving all aound from Ogden to Provo to Tooele and back. We did get to spend time with his family, which was lots of fun.


Jordan and Erin Farr said...

I am glad that you guys had fun. Preston looks so handsome. Bostyn keeps asking when she gets to play with preston again. We had a lot of fun with you guys.

Renee and Kiddies said...

I can't believe how big he is, he's so cute...btw about the dresses, I haven't ordered any new shipments lately because of the shipping it cost to Hawaii, but my dad is going to LA this weekend, and will be back in I will have some stuff in stock, I'll let you know. xoxo

Cottam Family said...

Preston looks so handsom in his outfit! Hope everything is going well for you guys!