Friday, April 24, 2009

Ups and Downs.

Joey calls me yesterday on my way to a friends house and says:

"You ready to move"

I said "What" (knowing exactly what he meant)

"You ready to move because I just got LAID OFF"

*Shock sets In*

We were planning on saving our pennies and moving to South Carolina when the baby is born but things have changed. We now have no health Ins. which was really nice beacuse it was great coverage.

Luckily Joey has a few side jobs coming up which pay really well. That will hold us over until we move in June! Once we are in SC, he will start school and work and I'll work for awhile until the baby comes.


Davis Family said...

Oh no! I am glad he has a few side jobs to get you by. If you need anything let me know! I wish I would have seen you waving like a freak the other day :) We need to get together before you me and we can set something up.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have everything worked out. Good luck with all your upcoming plans.