Friday, March 13, 2009

My Big boy!

Preston is getting so big, I get sad thinking about it. He is such a smart little guy, who has no fear. We are so happy to have him in our lives. About 2 hours after I put him down for bed, I always really want to go wake him up to play, but I know better. His personality really comes out every day. Joey and I have decided that he will grow up to be an adrenaline junky!

Isn't he a cutie!


Anonymous said...

is that snow?!? that you guys are so happily just swinging in!

Cottam Family said...

Preston is getting so big and he sounds just like Brecken. No fear what so ever and a cute personality! I wish he could stay little forever!

Anonymous said...

Cute boy! Cole can be his adrenaline junky friend. Cole is seriously not afraid of anything dangerous. He will always try doing things that Jake will never try to do.