Wednesday, March 25, 2009

St. George

Joey and I decided to take a much needed trip to Saint George over the weekend. We packed up our SUV on Saturday and headed out. We stopped in Salt Lake to have a Birthday lunch with Joey's Dad on the way. We were lucky enough to stay with some good friends of ours, Melissa and Chad. They just had baby girl #2 and she is such a doll, she looks like her big sister Maddi. Maddi and Preston played quite a bit and wore eachother out (the parents loved that). It's funny how opposite they are, Maddi is calm, quite, and very mellow. While Preston is SO very full of energy and never stops. We enjoyed Pizza Factory and Texas Roadhouse while we were there. We also went by our house to check on the tenents and to make sure it was in one piece. Just before we left I got to eat at my favorite place ever...DURANGOS YUM! Unfortunatley I forgot the card for the camera, so we missed out on lots of great pictures. Thanks Melissa and Chad!

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