Sunday, July 18, 2010

What to do....

Joey and I decided that he needed to go back to school as well, so I just got him all setup and tomorrow we are registering all of his classes. My excitement grew and Im glad WE are going back. That is, until, we started going over our schedules, comparing class times with work times. We tried to figure out when he can go, when I can go, when we will both work, what we will do with the kids. Now Im just depressed about it. Our goal was to get Preston in a Performing Arts Preschool next month and we were all set, until now. Our schedules just clash no matter what. Right now he works during the day and I work at night. The kids are ALWAYS with us, and that's how I want it. When we were trying to find a solution to what to do with the kids during our school hours, it came down to 1-2 hours a day at daycare. If you know me, YOU KNOW I AM ANTI-DAYCARE!!!! I've been stressed ever since. I was fine with Preschool, Preston is social and it would be so good for him, it was only 2 1/2 hours two days a week. No big deal. Now if we have to put Brayden in for 1-2 hours a day, I want Preston to go to the same place. I am EXTREMELY protective of my kids and how others treat them, I can't see what "others" are doing during daycare. I am also a firm believer in raising your own kids, not a daycare teacher. I know what your thinking, 2 hours a day isn't much. I just don't trust very many people with my little guys. Agh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally understand your feelings. You are a mom who loves her children. I worked a job that I hated for 3 1/2 years, so that Ryan could go to school and I could work at home with the boys. Sometimes we have to do things we don't like in order to help our family. Fast and pray about it, and the Lord will direct you and Joey to what is right for your family.