Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to me :)

This morning I woke up to Joey bringing me breakfast in bed! I thought he was at work but he just pretended to get up and go, he took the day off to spend with me :)
He made me eggs, toast with jam, lots of crispy bacon(just the way I like it!) a glass of apple juice and a long-stemmed rose in a vase! He had already got Preston out of bed, fed and changed! Can you believe that!? Then he gave me a 30 minute massage and a card that said we were going shopping! It was fabulous! I'll add more later-

Joey brought me this rose with breakfast this morning!

Thanks Dad and Lorraine for the beautiful roses!

My Mom and Al took us out to Red Lobster then Joey and I went shopping for lots of clothes!


Jordan and Erin Farr said...

Happy Birthday! What a lucky girl you are! I hope you have a great rest of the day.

Shauna said...

Whats in the bag?????

Anonymous said...

Where are the photos of the flowers I sent? Did the florist forget to deliver them to you? JK, I'm too broke to send you anything. :) Hope you had a great birthday...just know that I sent you flowers in my mind! LOL