Friday, February 27, 2009

Fondant Cake.

I have attemped to make a fondant cake. It was harder than I imagined. It took quite awhile too.

It was hard to get the fondant to roll out just the way I wanted.

As you can see Im clearly in need of some practice. It was also almost midnight when I finished. It was fun though, Im going to keep practicing.


Anonymous said...

the cake looks great. i have always wanted to make them too. low. i just don't have the time but it really looks great

Anonymous said...

So fun! I've heard that it a little tricky to work with at first. A friend of mine just made one for Jake's birthday, that I will post soon.

The Leakes said...

that cake is cute! oh and i love that pic of you and your lovey's hands. its perfect. hope all is well. i will be down there the weekend of the 20th. we should all get together.