Friday, January 9, 2009

Newest Crafts

Here is the latest blanket I've made. It's not for anyone specific, I just liked the material.


Cottam Family said...

Your crafts are so cute. You are very talented!

Davis Family said...

I love your crafts! Slade is in Alabama working so we should get together! He will be back on the
30th so we should have a play date. Keep in touch and let me know what day would be good for you to meet up :)

Davis Family said...

Next week works great for me! Friday would probably be best since i work on Monday and Wednesday and watch my nephew on Tuesday and Thursdays if that doesnt work let me know.

Cierra::The Yellow House said...

Hey! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you! I change the font by writing my blog post in photoshop, and then I upload it as a picture through photobucket. Do you have a photo editing program? If you don't I know of a good site that's free on the web. You can do the same thing on the online program as what I do in photoshop. Let me know if you need help and I can walk you through the steps. :)