Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Spooky Dinner and Carving Pumpkins!

I spent the evening preparing dinner for the fam. Although my Mom and I were running late from the gym, so I really kinda threw it together and I didn't get to make everything I wanted. We started off with Ghoul Soup then had Jack-O-Lantern tamale bake with Witches brew. I made blue pumpkin ice to go with it. It was yummy!

We carved pumpkins yesterday, it was lots of fun. Preston got so mad when we pulled him away from the pumpkins, he had a huge fit. We did a skull, and two regular Jack-O-Lantern faces.

After we carved them I cleaned the seeds and roasted them, they were pretty good!


Jordan and Erin Farr said...

Happy Halloween! Hope you guys had fun, it looked like you did.

Cottam Family said...

Halloween looked like it was a lot of fun! I've always wanted to do a spooky dinner for Halloween. If you can I want to see some pics of Preston's costume!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you found our blog! Your little boy is so cute. IT sounds like you had a really Halloween.