Friday, September 5, 2008

Treehouse Museum

Joey's Grandma is going to LOVE this picture, since she really thinks he is going to be the future President of the United States. We took a trip to the Treehouse Museum in Ogden a few days ago. It was a little too advanced for Preston but we got some great pictures.


Jordan and Erin Farr said...

Preston looks like he would be a great president. Don't you guys just love long rides with kids. That was good thinking to turn his seat around.

Renee and Kiddies said...

Omigosh...that place looks cool, where is it?

Davis Family said...

We love the Tree House! Trey was much better in the car when we bought him a new seat so he could actually see out. Trips to St George are much more pleasant. We really do need to get together. Just let me know when you want to. I only work on Mondays and Tuesdays so whenever would be great!

anne said...

I actually made my own background using photoshop and then posted it using Wow...that all sounds hard, but it so isn't. I can help you if you want. :)

Can you believe our boys are 1?

Cottam Family said...

I'm so excited that you have a blog too! Preston looks so cute in those pictures! I wish we could still hang out.

Cierra::The Yellow House said...

I make my headers and side bar pics on Photoshop. I need to figure out how to make the background too, but I'm just learning as I go. :)

anne said...

The easiest thing to do would be to go to She has all the instructions there on how to download free paper and how to put it on your blog. If you want me to design a cute header for you with a family picture I can do that. You could just email a pic to me and I could do it. You do need photoshop.