Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Preston has REALLY been challenging me lately, with none other than TANTRUMS. I am one of those Moms that feels like I HAVE to do everything just right so that he grows up to be a well rounded, genuine, happy person.

Who doesn't want that right?

So here I am stressing out, wondering if everything I'm doing is right. THIS IS HARD!

Right about now Im wondering why kids don't come with instructions...It would be helpful. I have a million and one questions but which answer is right? I search the internet by the latest topic I'm having trouble with, I buy the good ole black and white parenting books. I call my Mom, my sisters and my friends for advice.

Preston is VERY smart, he catches on quickly, he is for sure a logical thinker like his Dad. He is a very sweet little spirit. He is friendly, he says please, thank you and excuse me, but sometimes I want to cry because he is, after all, a "normal" 2 1/2 year old.

....but at the end of the day, he's still alive, so I guess I must be doing something right :)


Cottam Family said...

I'm going through the exact same thing you are not alone!

Renee and Kiddies said...

Oh I think every mom goes through this, like today I had one screaming to get out of her car seat, one screaming that she wanted a different car seat while kicking my seat the whole time I was driving around, kids gotta love it, I was about to lose my mind...

Unknown said...

You are almost there. You know where you can just tune it out. Now you know what parents were doing when their kids are screaming and your thinking-"I will never let my kid do that" Ha Ha. They couldnt hear their kids. You are almost there.

Unknown said...

You are almost there. You know where you can just tune it out. Now you know what parents were doing when their kids are screaming and your thinking-"I will never let my kid do that" Ha Ha. They couldnt hear their kids. You are almost there.