Tuesday, June 16, 2009

IT'S A.........

BOY! Although we are not totally convinced! The tech had a hard time determining the gender so after a few minutes of trying she brought in another tech. That 2nd tech said boy after 2 seconds of looking. So take a good look at the photo and tell me what you think....

So this photo is really hard to see but you can see a leg off to the left, the other leg is pointing up. The bladder is the black hole. If you look at the "boy part" it looks like it's too far to the left instead of the middle. Which makes me think it's the cord...but I don't know. Juast click the photo and look closely....


Anonymous said...

Yeah for boys! Congrats to you both! Spencer and I are happy for you! It will be fun for Preston to have a brother to romp around with!

Cottam Family said...

Congrats on another boy! I can never figure out those pictures. Hope your move went well.

Anonymous said...

Joey told me to come and look really close at the ultrasound picture and then give my input... I think it is a boy... I have an ultrasound that looks like that too! Hopefully you can go back in a few weeks and get a really good look and be able to totally tell. I think you would be able to tell if it was a little girl even if she had her hand sticking out the back like you think. I say boy, but I guess we shall see!! Either way...congrats again!!